Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Not Sure Why I'm Bothering

Well Kelly and Blue have posted about their nicknames, so instead of commenting twice I thought it would be easier to create my own post. The only problem is I've apparently been bland enough to avoid getting many. In middle school I made the mistake of taking my D&D books to school to read at the end of each class after completing the assignments at the same time that the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon was on every Saturday morning, so for a while I was Dungeon Master. And a couple of years ago a friend, my wife, and I got into bowling while in the habit of using the term "dude," so for a bit I was Lebowski. That's about all I can think of. Exciting, I know.


Hadrian said...

But, what about "Strawberry Fist"?

scott said...

Oh. that one's a gem. Maybe he didn't want the others to know.

asdfasdfadfasd said...

Ok, this deserves explanation.

DaddyMan said...

*grin* Yup, that explanation has got to be good. :)