Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Heard on the Way to Work Today

"Disc 11. Chapter 61: Stubb Kills a Whale." Yay! I'm over the half-way hump in terms of listening progress.

I just have to wonder who first decided they could go out and hunt these leviathans. It's such a complex process. How did they figure it all out?
When reaching far over the bow, Stubb slowly churned his long sharp lance into the fish, and kept it there, carefully churning and churning, as if cautiously seeking to feel after some gold watch that the whale might have swallowed, and which he was fearful of breaking ere he could hook it out. But that gold watch he sought was the innermost life of the fish. And now it is struck; for, starting from his trance into that unspeakable thing called his "flurry," the monster horribly wallowed in his blood, overwrapped himself in impenetrable, mad, boiling spray, . . . And now abating in his flurry, the whale once more rolled out into view; surging from side to side; spasmodically dilating and contracting his spout-hole, with sharp, cracking, agonizing respirations. At last, gush after gush of clotted red gore, as if it had been the purple lees of red wine, shot into the frighted air; and falling back again, ran dripping down his motionless flanks into the sea. His heart had burst!
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Leelu said...

For all you Dick lovers out there: an article.

Leelu said...

Okay. . . the link didn't work. Here it is:

Erica said...

Ah...that's an interesting article, and I love the Web links...(M-D virgins who don't want to know the ending, please stop reading now...

really...and don't read the Chronicle article until you're finished, either...)

Anyway, I have no doubt that Melville entertained the idea that most everyone except the whale lives...I mean, who starts writing about a cast of characters planning to kill the whole lot off...but eventually, you realize that sometimes your characters are doomed...despite your best efforts to save them...