Friday, January 06, 2006

A poem for a certain phone/dsl company that rhymes with Ess Bee See

by Lummox Fairheart

Oh the pain I suffer each day
As I sit and throw good money away.
I send the checks out in the mail
And call them up to no avail.

No help they send to ease my ills
While here I sit crying in nowheresville
They seem to laugh and mock and chide
That I've been taken for a ride.

All I want is relief from their scorn,
And have service so I may look up... data.
They say they can fix it and that I'm in luck
"By the way that will cost you 60 bucks."

The pain. The tears. The wasted time.
While they basically say "Hey, go suck a lime."
You are rotten and horrid you puddle of wee.
I hate you and your service, fowl Ess Bee See.

*shaking my fist for emphasis*


Hadrian said...

Sad, touching, funny, and true. Vile Ess Bee See.

Leelu said...

Fowl? They may be chickens, but still. . .
