Monday, January 02, 2006

Definitions from 2005

A few new definitions from the KC Star's Rhonda Chriss Lokeman:

Bushofascism n., a political condition that sets in when a democratically elected U.S. president suppresses opposition and dissent, attacks the press, uses the military as a personal army, engages in preemptive military strikes and disregards civil liberties and human rights (see autocracy).

commander in chief n., the supreme commander of the armed forces of a nation; not the same as king (see Geena Davis).

Darwinism n., adherence to the theory of evolution as taught by naturalist Charles Robert Darwin; a form of satanic ritualism in Kansas (see intelligent design).

double Rs n., slang for religious right (see theocracy).

executive privilege n., whatever George and Dick want, George and Dick get.

Geneva Convention n., an international agreement signed in Geneva in 1864, establishing a code, later revised, for the care and treatment in wartime of the sick, wounded and dead, and of prisoners of war, including protection of civilians and of hospitals; declared null and void in the war on terror.

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