Sunday, December 04, 2005

Oh Please, Already.

Enough people, enough. There is no "war on Christmas", for God's sake. It is a myth, cooked up somewhere in the collective fevered imagination of the American right. It is a bright and shiny trinket dangled before the faithful to distract them from the real issues of the day. It is a chimera designed to keep James Dobson's coffers full and Bill O'Reilly's ratings high. It is a symptom of a deep and pervasive paranoia, a badge of victimhood proudly and petulantly worn by the most privileged and powerful people in the history of the world. It is, in short, pure unmitigated bullshit. Nothing more.

Warning for conservatives: nuance ahead. I know how that sort of thing usually flies right past you, so I thought I would give you the heads up....

Which is not to say, of course, that there aren't people who are overly sensitive, who would like everyone in the world to keep their religious views to themselves, who are offended by any public recognition of views or beliefs that are different than their own, and who whinge tirelessly about just how offended they are-- but there aren't many of them, there never have been, and they've never been very powerful. The whole "political correctness" movement that causes "conservatives" to lose so much sleep was barely a blip, a speedbump in the road of history. And though many of its absurdities still linger on in our culture, they are simply that: absurdities, not evidence of a liberal secularist plot to destroy everything that the more mythologically minded amongst us hold dear. In a few years, the entire "PC" phenomenon will only be remembered for what it taught the Right: how to whine and bitch and play the offended victim, far out of any proportion to any real wrong inflicted upon them.

So please, people, shut the fuck up already.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.


Degolar said...

Nuance. Such a big word and bigger concept. But necessary in this case. People get too extreme on each end of the spectrum on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Why do you hate Jesus, George Bush, our troops, apple pie, and consequence-free torture? You must be one of those anti-American Liberals that our greatest pundits and bumper stickers are always talking about. Bill O'reilly keeps his eyes on people like you, and as soon as he gets back from his daily "pantless run" he's coming after you. Pantless runs make him sound a little crazy? Well, that’s just what he wants you to think. Billy boy is crazy like a fox. Of course that specific fox happens to be "in treatment" at the moment. It's truly a shame; you forget to wear pants even though you do remember your big red clown shoes on just one little trip to Wal-Mart and everyone starts calling you "unstable". I mean come on, it was only a manequin.

But seriously, when I said Bill O'reilly keeps his eyes on you I meant it. Check the bushes across the street. You may want to close your blinds and call the police.