Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Constitutional Republic: A Good Idea While it Lasted

Tyranny isn't just for the Europeans anymore (or the Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Latin Americans). Thanks to BUSHCO, we're well on our way there too. Read this. All so scary, all so true.


asdfasdfadfasd said...

At least he admits it. Civil liberties are sooo 1996.

Degolar said...

What's truly scary is that no one seems to care. Nixon just had the bad luck of being a few years too early, apparently.

asdfasdfadfasd said...

Nixon was a socialist compaired to these guys.

Degolar said...

Mr. Cheney's Imperial Presidency

"George W. Bush has quipped several times during his political career that it would be so much easier to govern in a dictatorship. Apparently he never told his vice president that this was a joke."