Friday, November 04, 2005

Still Around, Kinda...

Don't worry Dave, we're still here. Kind of. My story: I've been reluctant to post for while because I haven't been really sure what I wanted to do here, why I wanted to blog etc. etc. I was beginning to think that blogging was really just a distraction from more serious concerns, more serious writing (not to mention law school applications). But then again, I haven't been using that time for anything productive; the Great American Novel remains unwritten. Where could that time have gone, I mean, really?

The truth is, there should be time for some frivolous and angry posting-- it's still writing after all, and any writing teacher will tell you that practice is the only way to really improve your writing skills. In the next few days though, I'll be starting up a new blog-- one dedicated to things of a more serious nature. Politics, religion, literature, they'll go there. The address hasn't been nailed down yet, and there will be some site design issues, so it may be a while before it is up and running (that's right kids, a non-Blogger blog, thanks largely to the techie/designer roommate). Of course, if you're looking for posts on D&D, expletive filled rants on the "Joys of Customer Service" and friendly open letters to the Kansas Department of Transportation, look no further-- you've come to the right place.

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