Friday, November 04, 2005

Uhhhh,... This Sounds Interesting.

It seems the Devious Manipulator has something up his sleeve. Should I approach this with trepidation? excitement? barely concealed consumerist longings (boat journeys! An excuse to buy that book I've been drooling over!)? Perhaps false bravado?: Bring it on Douchebag Malcontent! I dunno.

One thing I will say is this: it's cool that Scott is thinking about the game, putting in time and effort to make sure that all of us players have a good time, trying to make sure that there are enough subplots and character hooks to keep us all interested all the time. It's a big job, a time consuming and --I'm sure-- sometimes difficult one, that he toils at without any form of material compensation. So, in lieu of money, here's a nod of appreciation the DM's way. Thanks man... but we're still gonna kick your NPC asses come game time.

1 comment:

Leelu said...

I think he's been wanting to put us out to sea for awhile, now. Literally.