Friday, August 26, 2005

Am I Always This Angry?, or... The Joys of Customer Service Part III

Perhaps I should just start a new blog and call it "The Angry Librarian" because, I've got to tell you, I enjoy that persona.

Here's today's joyful story. This guy, early twenties, is looking at the DVD collection with apparent disdain. He approaches the counter and with exasperation in his voice asks "Is that all the DVD's you have?" When informed that, yes, those are in fact all of the DVD's (unless he's interested in the many and exciting adventures of Dora the Explorer), he--again with exasperation in his voice-- says "All of the libraries have really small DVD sections-- why?"

To which I respond-- within the confines of my imagination-- "Because we're a library, not goddamn Blockbuster you fucking twit. You see all those rectangular objects made of bound paper on the shelves? They're called books asshole. Books. Someday you might try reading one, once you learn to fucking read. Now get the fuck out of my sight."

It felt good. Better than saying, as I actually did "I dunno". Feign ignorance to the ignorant, life is easier that way.

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