Monday, August 15, 2005

The Joys of Customer Service Part II,... or Happy 10 Grand Day

Well, it's the middle of August, which means I have at long last reached an important milestone in my year. The paycheck I will receive this Friday will push me over the magic $10,000 mark for the year (net, that is). That's right ladies and gentlemen, $10,000 after eight months of putting up with a nearly uninterrupted stream of aggravation and bullshit for forty hours a week (not counting the godawful commute and the lunch hours, which when figured in, leave me with virtually no time that is not devoted to this piss ant job). The real kick in the ass is that I haven't actually made that much money, because, as I found out much to my chagrin last tax season, my employer has not been withholding enough from my check. So, technically I haven't reached the magical 10 Grand point because I owe some of that money to Uncle Sam and God's Own State of Kansas.

(And do not even get me started on benefit deductions and those insurance bastards who are more than willing to take my money month after month, but who will find any excuse or minor technicality to not pay when I need them to.)

Also, annual raises around here are limited to 2% (or thereabouts). Annual rate of inflation: 2.7%. Each year, I make a little less money. Which leaves me with only one thing to say: Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck.

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