Sunday, August 28, 2005

Some Christians Remember That One Guy... what was his name, oh, what was it? Oh yeah, JESUS

The inimitable Jim Wallis has written a brilliant response to the ravings of radical fundamentalist mullah Robertson. Unfortunately, I've spent a lot of time around evangelical Christians in my life and I fear that the sane compassionate religion of Wallis might be practiced by only a small minority of them. What Wallis says about Batshit Pat's religious views might safely be applied to a stunning number of American Christians:
It's clear Robertson must not have first asked himself "What would Jesus do?" But the teachings of Jesus have never been very popular with Robertson. He gets his religion elsewhere, from the twisted ideologies of an American brand of right-wing fundamentalism that has always been more nationalist than Christian.

Here, here. Once again, I think our friend (how presumptuous of me) the General has hit the nail on the head with these cartoons. I think this one, in particular, is quite nice.

Go check out the rest of them, it's well worth your time.

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