Monday, January 12, 2009

Trying Something New

As we last parted, the twentyfourthofjanuary was mentioned for our next ritualistic gathering. Yes?

I'm sampling a new tool for after that, but don't think I like the fact that we can't have a full embed. To give it a real go, though, click and vote.


David Crowe said...

So, ummm, I'm an idiot. I voted as David, not as Lummox.

Degolar said...

David? David who?!? I'm sorry Lummox, I'm sure this is some kind of joke with your particular sense of humor, but I'm afraid I don't get the reference.

Aerin said...

*snickers like a 2nd grader* Doodle hehe

Tiger said...

I'm afraid someone is trying to skew our results.


Degolar said...

A country dominated by marshland.