1. What color are your kitchen plates? –-Random
2. What book are you reading now? –-Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman? (for the reading challenge don't you know?)
3. What's your favorite board game? --Trivial Pursuit
4. Favorite magazine? –-Harper's
5. Favorite smell? –-Just one? Fresh baked bread, freshly cut grass, rain, and this one perfume that I don't know the name of
6. Least favorite smell? --Burning rubber
7. What's the first thing you're thinking in the morning? --You've got to be kidding me!
8. When you come out of your house and realize it's raining, what's your first response? –-Love the rain.
9. Favorite color? --Green
10. Least favorite color --Red
11. How many rings before you answer the phone? –-Depends on who is calling.
12. Future children's names? –-Isabel Victoria, Audrey Elizabeth, and, in the unfortunate event of a boy, William Christopher (I think)
13. Favorite alcoholic drink? -–Tetley's Bitter, Good Port, Screwdriver
14. What is your sign and birthday? –-Gemini, 6/5
15. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? --Yep
16. If you could have any job, what would it be? –- Writer, Film Director, Nat'l Geographic Photographer, History Professor, and I could go on--is the indecisiveness apparent yet?
17. If you could have any hair color, what would it be? –-What I've already got, even with the gray.
18. Is the glass half empty or half full? –-Half empty, there's a hole in the bottom and the handle has broken off.
19. Do you like lemonade? --Yes
20. Do you type with the right fingers on the keys? --Yes
21. What's under your bed? –-Nothing, it's right on the floor.
22. What's your favorite number? –-People actually have favorite numbers?
23. What's you single biggest fear? –-Utter abject failure and dying alone. (Who made up these questions? I'm depressing myself.)
24. Favorite song? –-Flora's Secret, With or Without You, the 1812 Overture, and (Don't Go Back to) Rockville.
25. Super Bowl ads, love 'em or hate 'em? --Take 'em or leave 'em.
26. Ketchup or mustard? –-Ketchup is for meatloaf and French fries, period. So, mustard.
27. If people could describe you with one word, what word would you want that to be? --Good
28. Name something as a child you wanted, but never got. --Cable TV.
29. Favorite soft drink? --Coke, formerly Dr. Pepper.
30. Name one good thing you did today. –-I'm not sure I did, which is also depressing.
31. Favorite high school subject? --History, duh.
32. What screen saver is on your computer? –-Starfield, baby!
33. Burger King or McDonalds? –-Both
34. Favorite pet? --"If it's not a dog or a cat, it's not a pet"
35. Vacation--beach or mountains? –-Beach in the mountains. But seriously--London followed by a cottage in the Cotswolds.
And I feel as if maybe I cheated and tried to steer my answers this way, but:
be sorted @ nimbo.net
I guess I'll get in on this too.
1. What color are your kitchen plates? –-Yellowish with pear motif
2. What book are you reading now? –-Around 40 history books, and The Dark Tower 7
3. What's your favorite board game? --Risk
4. Favorite magazine? –-Mad
5. Favorite smell? –-Woods in Spring
6. Least favorite smell? –Horse farts
7. What's the first thing you're thinking in the morning? –I really don’t want to (instert whatever it is I’m supposed to be doing that day)
8. When you come out of your house and realize it's raining, what's your first response? –-Depends on the temperature: warm good, cold bad
9. Favorite color? --Green
10. Least favorite color –Blue (cause everyone always says blue is their favorite)
11. How many rings before you answer the phone? –-Usually more than 1
12. Future children's names? –-That decision is really up to whoever adopts the kid
13. Favorite alcoholic drink? –Wild Turkey on the rocks and Guiness
14. What is your sign and birthday? –-Aquarius, 2/12
15. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? –Of course
16. If you could have any job, what would it be? –-No job. Live in woods.
17. If you could have any hair color, what would it be? –-Same as is
18. Is the glass half empty or half full? –-Generally half empty
19. Do you like lemonade? --Yes
20. Do you type with the right fingers on the keys? --Yes
21. What's under your bed? –-A box of movies, a keyboard, misc guitar junk, and a sword
22. What's your favorite number? –-None
23. What's you single biggest fear? –-Not winning powerball tomorrow
24. Favorite song? –-Way, way, way to hard to choose
25. Super Bowl ads, love 'em or hate 'em? –Some good, some bad
26. Ketchup or mustard? –-Mustard for so many reasons
27. If people could describe you with one word, what word would you want that to be? --Intelligent
28. Name something as a child you wanted, but never got. –Super powers
29. Favorite soft drink? –Don’t drink soda
30. Name one good thing you did today. –-Spent 30 seconds working on my senior paper
31. Favorite high school subject? --History
32. What screen saver is on your computer? –-Do you want to kill my monitor? Turn the damn things off!
33. Burger King or McDonalds? –-I rather kiss a ducks butt
34. Favorite pet? --Cats
35. Vacation--beach or mountains? –-Mountains. Been to both many times, mountains wins hands down.
Cable TV. I should have thought of that one.
And I thought about putting super powers, but really it was more wizard powers and as a teenager, so I didn't know if that counted as a kid.
What kind of sword?
The one under my bed is a cheap tai chi sword. It's under there because it's not very good and there was no room left on my wall mount.
So you have others?
8 others to be exact. Kind of a small collection.
It's something I've wanted since a small child. My fist collection you could say.
I'm jealous.
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